All I want For Christmas is a Full, sexy Pout

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ठूलो गाडीको


A full pout is sexy. Luscious lips are alluring. think of Angelina Jolie’s pillow lips that ensnared Brad Pitt. Yet in Asian culture, a small red mouth is delicate and feminine. think of the Japanese geishas with their painted mouthss. That crimson mouth painted on the white mask is much smaller than the actual mouth, giving the illusion of tiny, dainty smile that the orients find feminine.

East or West, sexy lips are rosy and smooth. healthy conditioned lips are beautiful.

Start off with proper lipcare. wear a lipbalm in any way times, day and night and especially when you sleep. You could invest in a rich balm made of organic, natural ingredients, or you could smear vaseline on your mouth before you go to bed.

Besides moisturizing your lips, remember to exfoliate them.

You can apply a thick coat of balm on your pout, then use a dry toothbrush to brush your lips and exfoliate them.

Or you could make a scrub with honey and raw sugar. apply a mixture of the two on your kisser. Leave them on for 5 minutes to moisturize your pout. then gently rinse it off with water, rubbing your mouth gently with finger ideas as you use the sugar particles to exfoliate the skin.

FusionBeauty BlingFusion Lip Plump color Shine, After Hours

After exfoliating your lips, apply a balm to moisturize and secure your lips so that even your bare lips stay soft, rosy and very kissable.

In keeping with the natural look, you can pretty up your pout and make lips look fuller with lipgloss. instead of a single gloss, use 2 lipglosses and a liquid highlighter.

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1. pick a lipgloss 1 or 2 shades darker than the inside of your lip. 2. pick a pale pink, shimmery gloss for the highlight shade. 3. apply the darker lip gloss over your entire mouth. 4. Outline the bow on top mouth with the liquid highlighter 5. put a dab of shimmery pale pink gloss on the center of the lower pout

Voila. Your kisser looks quickly fuller, prettier and a lot more sensual. If you really want to vamp it up, go red. Crimson lips are downright sexy.

1. Line mouth with a nude pencil to keep color pigments from bleeding. 2. paint the lipstick on the lips with a brush. 3. Blot with kleenex and powder lips with a translucent powder 4. paint another layer of lipstick on mouth with the brush. 5. add a touch of shimmer on the center of the lower lip.

Want even fuller lips? If bee stung lips like Ms Jolie’s are your obsession, you might want to check out the plastic surgeon for collagen injections to plump up your mouth. If that is too drastic, try a plumper.

DuWop Pink Shimmer Lip Venom

Some plumpers, like Duwop lip venom use vital oils to mildly irritate the mouth so that the lips swell up.The newer ones, like Lipfusion use dehydrated collagen to plump up the lips once the formula is absorbed through the thin skin.

Both Lipfusion and LipVenom are amongst the appeal editor picks for

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हाम्रो फोरममा यो छलफल गर्नुहोस्

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साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको


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