Healthy and delicious Frozen Fruit Cubes

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ठूलो गाडीको


After examining LifeIce bite-sized flavored ice cubes I promised my readers that I would be able to offer a less expensive, home made alternative with just as much nutritional value as LifeIce. Chris and I experimented with items that we had in our freezer and pantry and came up with a delicious recipe that is guaranteed to please everyone in your family. This nutritious treat is a terrific light snack for a hot day or to accompany your kids favorite after-school snack.

Frozen Fruit Cubes

Ingredients: 16.9 oz of Coconut water

15 oz of  No Sugar Added, 100% Juice, Apple Juice**

1 c. of Frozen Fruit**

1/2 c. of Agave Syrup

1/4 c. of cooked Carrots**

3  Ice Cube Trays Each Holding 16 oz of Liquid

Directions: Microwave 1/2 c. of frozen carrots for 2 minutes, or until soft. छुट्याइएको। put coconut water, apple juice, and agave syrup in blender. Add frozen fruit and carrots and blend until all is liquid. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze overnight. रमाईलो!

Total servings: 48
Calories per serving: 18.2
Sugars: 4.6 g
Cost per serving: 22 cents

** You can modify the flavor and nutrition content by substituting the frozen fruit for fresh fruit or frozen berries or bananas. You can also add spinach or other veggies instead of carrots and use orange juice instead of apple.  

Compare our recipe to LifeIce

Total Servings: 2
Calories per serving: 30
Sugars: 6 g
Cost per serving: $3.00 

My kids love our home made Frozen Fruit Cubes!

क्यासिया तालबर्ट एक व्यस्त ब्लगर, प्रकाशक, एक स्वतन्त्र लेखक, पाँच बच्चाहरु मध्ये एक स्वतन्त्र लेखक, पाँच बच्चाहरु को लागी, अनलाइन व्यापारी र मेरी आमा। B.A. को साथ in history and law and a passion for writing and staying healthy, she started The healthy mommies Magazine in 2007. The healthy mommies magazine is currently ranked the top health blog for mommies and features several health expert writers and mommy bloggers. सुश्री ताजबर्सले विश्वास गर्दछ कि आमालाई स्वास्थ्यका मुद्दाहरूमा राम्रो शिक्षित हुन सक्छ र स्वस्थ रहन सक्छ भने उनीहरूले उक्त सूचना आफ्ना बच्चाहरूलाई सुस्त पार्न र अमेरिकाको बाल्यसाइटको मोर्चा तथ्या .्कलाई उल्टाउन सक्दछन्।

सुश्री ताल्बर्ट इडिफ्यूल.com मा र उनको लेखहरूमा एक विशेष स्वास्थ्य ब्लगर हो, मा पनि फेला पार्न सकिन्छ। She also runs the Healthy mommies Social Network on Ning, is the chief marketing officer for Talbert Nutrition LLC,  and is on the social media Advisory Board for America’s wellness Challenge. Google+ मा उनको अनुसरण गर्नुहोस्।

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लोड गर्दै …

विभिन्न बजार बजार = नयाँ मिति (); कागजात। चौथाई (“);

Link to this post:Healthy and delicious Frozen Fruit Cubes


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साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको


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